If you have been charged with a violent crime, you need to ensure that you have an attorney that can protect you and your rights. A violent crime conviction is a serious offense that can impact your life in a variety of ways. Mr. Maloumian regularly defends individuals charged with simple assault, aggravated assault and weapons offenses.


Mr. Maloumian has an extensive history successfully representing individuals charged with both simple and aggravated assault. Simple assault is the less serious of the two charges. Simple assault is usually charged as misdemeanor of the 2nd degree. Simple assault is defined as causing or attempting to cause bodily injury to another. Simple assault can also be charged where an individual puts another in fear of immediate serious bodily injury. Aggravated assault is generally charged as a felony of the 1st degree and is an extremely serious offense with a statutory maximum of up to 20 years in prison. There may also be enhanced penalties if there is a weapon used in the commission of the crime.

Whether you were charged with simple assault or aggravated assault, Mr. Maloumian is ready to come to your defense. Sometimes you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time where a situation can get out of hand and become physical. In that instance, assault charges may be brought against you. Many of Mr. Maloumian's clients are law abiding citizens who find themselves in these situations with neighbors, strangers, people at bars, students, coworkers or even the police that result in an arrest where they are charged with assault. Your reputation, your job, your college degree and/or your freedom may be at stake. Mr. Maloumian understands how serious this can be to you.

Mr. Maloumian consistently applies a straightforward commonsense approach to defending you in any assault case. He recognizes that the credibility of the accusing party, witness testimony and the supporting physical evidence or lack thereof is extremely relevant to your defense. This approach, coupled with his years of experience as a prosecutor handling assault cases, has proven to be an extremely consistent strategic formula for success.


If you've been charged with a weapons offense, it is an extremely serious situation. Although the second amendment of United States Constitution affords citizens the "right to bear arms," there are strict rules enforced by the states with respect to gun laws. Pennsylvania aggressively regulates the purchase, sale, possession, carry and use, storage and transportation of firearms. Even if this is your first offense, your sentence could involve incarceration. In many instances, finding the right criminal defense attorney is the difference between going to jail or going home.

Mr. Maloumian has a firm understanding of Pennsylvania's gun laws and represent clients in a wide variety of weapons offenses on a regular basis. Mr. Maloumian has been able to successfully secure significantly reduced sentences or probation for individuals possessing a handgun on the street without a license. He has also successfully defended individuals who have purchased handguns despite being ineligible. A thorough examination of your rights under the United States and Pennsylvania Constitutions with respect to illegal search and seizures is part of Mr. Maloumian's analysis on every case involving a weapon. Mr. Maloumian recognizes that all gun cases are extremely serious. From a factual standpoint, however, every case is different. Mr. Maloumian's clients have benefited tremendously from his ability to make this clear both to the prosecution and to the courts when representing his clients on gun cases. It is his goal to ensure that your rights have not been violated and to achieve the best outcome for you if you are charged with a weapons offense.